Note To Parents

School Rules

Timings & Dress Code

Note To Parents

  • Seminars, Educational Tours, Personality Development Camps,  Trekking, NSS camp, NCC Camp, Sports meet, Blood Donation Camps are organized every year. Parent’s co-operation is expected in making students attend the same.
  • At the end of the Term-end exams, open-day is organised. Parents must attend the same to discuss the performance of their wards. 
  • On Saturdays, parents can meet the class/subject teachers to discuss their wards progress. 
  • At times of any natural Calamities or any National Emergency, the School organizes for Fund-raising. Parents are requested to be a part of the school’s mission in such times. 

Leave of Absence

  • Absence on Saturdays will not be encouraged.  Parents should personally submit the leave letter along with a medical certificate in case of any absentees.
  • While availing leave for marriages / functions, prior submission of Leave letter is advised.
  • In case of sickness, on the day of return, students should bring the leave letter duly signed by the parent, along with the medical certificate.
  • Any defect in their wards, a letter with Medical Certificate is to be provided by the parent to help the Class Teacher to understand the problem.

Admission Procedure:

Parents should register the Name of their wards with all particulars.

Admissions will be done on first come first serve basis, as per the vacancy in each class. 

  • Entrance test will be conducted for Classes UKG to XI
  • Date of Entrance will be intimated before a week.
  • Based on the meritorious performance, students will be selected for admission.
  • On the day of Admission students must come along with their parents.
  • All necessary documents mentioned in the Application form should be attached without fail.

Withdrawal Procedure:

Parents applying for a Transfer Certificate should provide a requisition letter with the reason for requesting TC, positively before the month of February.

Examination & reports:

  • Kindergarten Classes: – Term End Examinations
  • Classes I – VIII – Formative & Summative Assessments
  • Classes IX – XII  – Mid- Term & Term- End Examinations.

Progress of every child is recorded in the Report Card and a Cumulative record of General and Academic Performance is maintained.

Library Rules

Our fully-stocked Library has 13,000 Books and a Library Access card is maintained for the students.

Students have a Library Class every week.

During Library hours students should stick to the rules as follows: 

  • “Silence” is the watchword. 
  • No scribbling on books or magazines encouraged. 
  • To handle books with care.         
  • Students should maintain a library note to record & review the books they read. 
  • Submission of review notebooks earns prizes for students.

Rules for accessing the books:

  • Books should be returned in a week, in the same condition – without damage/scribble etc.
  • A fine of Re. 1/- will be imposed for the following:
    1. Tearing the pages / Scribbling in the book. 
    2. Late submission 
  • In case of loss of book, it has to be replaced, if not rule applies.
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