Alumni Association

Our strong alumni network is our pride and strength. Our alumni regularly visit our schools remain connected long after they have passed out. It is our pride to state that many of our alumni are spread all around the world holding high positions and are examples of respectable Samaritans. Our alumni contribute to the schools in offering subsidized education to needy students. It is our school practice to invite our alumni to hoist the National flag on Republic Day and Independence Day. The inspiring stories of alumni, narrating experiences of humanity and compassion add strength to our noble pursuits. During this pandemic, our Alumni of G.K.Shetty Hindu Vidyalaya (1989-90), Sri. Harish Nanda, currently based in US, donated 80 Lakhs towards, 50% Fees for 60 Students.

We are proud that our Alumni continue to be our biggest strength, with over 1 lakh students spread all around the world. All of them cherish their education at the Hindu Vidyalayas and stay connected with their Alma mater.

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